Monday, February 6, 2012

10 Perfect Sentences About School

1. I like SSCC because it is close to my home.

2. Because of my absences, I couldn't get enough points on my first quiz.

3. I liked the social life in my old school better although SSCC has a better education system.

4. I am planning to go back to Turkey unless I hear anything new about the project that I was waiting to be accepted to at University of Alaska.

5. I will wait to prepare my presentation until I find a good topic.

6. I don`t like that people talk while we are taking test.

7. If I can pass the TOEFL, I could apply to UW for masters degree.

8. Before I came to the USA, I had studied English for 1 year in college.

9.After I finish Winter quarter , I will register Spring quarter at SSCC.

10.Despite my bad writing, I still try to write a blog.

1 comment:

  1. #3 article error
    #4 problem with the that clause, "accepted to/at"
    #6 verb error
    #9 prepostion error.
